484 research outputs found


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    Alternative stochastic specification of conditional demand models are considered. The results of LaFrance concerning the inconsistency of least squares are supported, but the class of models that allow standard instrumental variable estimation is broadened considerably.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Toward a unified approach to testing for weak separability

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    In this paper we propose a unified framework for testing weak separability. We present a new three-step procedure, which is a joint test of necessary and sufficient conditions that takes account of possible measurement error and incomplete adjustment. We illustrate the operational capability of the procedure with an empirical example. Our procedure works well in medium sized samples, but at the present time may not be practical for datasets with extremely large sample sizes. As computing technology continues to advance, however, high-powered methods like the one we propose should supplant testing approaches that were originally designed to circumvent computational limitations.

    The United Kingdom

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    Techniques créoles et histoires mondiales

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    Ouverture « Typical ricksha boys ». Tireurs de pousse-pousse en Afrique du Sud à Durban, peu avant 1923. Le pousse-pousse était une machine moderne, pionnière au Japon à la fin du xixe siècle ; son usage s’est rapidement étendu dans une large partie de l’Asie. Nous avons ici la preuve photographique de sa diffusion à Durban, ville côtière du dominion britannique d’Afrique du Sud, étroitement connectée avec l’Inde comme avec l’Extrême-Orient. Son appartion se manifeste en Afrique du Sud dans ..

    Implementing immersive virtual reality in higher education:a qualitative study of instructor attitudes and perspectives

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    The current study aimed to understand the attitudes and perceptions of higher education (HE) instructors who have previously used immersive virtual reality (IVR) in teaching. This study employed a qualitative design by conducting semistructured interviews with HE instructors from several disciplines and institutions. Using thematic analysis, five major themes were formulated. These included: (a) applications and benefits; (b) curriculum integration; (c) classroom logistics; (d) barriers to application; and (e) evaluation. Instructors were generally positive about using I-VR as a pedagogical tool, proposing a range of novel applications and uses. However, logistical and technical problems were prominent which made implementation and widescale adoption challenging. The implications of these prominent attitudes are discussed, alongside a range of practical recommendations for applied future practic

    Relationships between scientific researchers and the economy

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    This paper argues that taking the economy seriously in histories of science could not only extend the range of activities studied but also change, often quite radically our understanding of well-known cases and instances about the scientific novelty generation in twentieth-century science. It shows how scientific intellectuals and historians of science have followed the money as a means of critique of particular forms of science, as a critique of particular conceptions of science. It suggests the need to go further, to a much broader implicit definition of what constitutes science, one which implies a criticism of much history of twentieth-century science, for defining it implicitly and inappropriately in very restrictive ways.El presente artículo defiende que al remarcar el papel de la economía en la historia de la ciencia nos encontramos con que el conjunto de lo que entendemos por actividad científica se amplía y nuestra comprensión sobre numerosos casos y ejemplos, de lo que es la generación de novedades científicas, especialmente si se refieren al siglo XX, aumenta. Habitualmente los intelectuales con formación científica y los historiadores de la ciencia han utilizado el argumento de la influencia del dinero en la ciencia para realizar una crítica a determinadas concepciones de lo que es ciencia. Ante esta posición, nosotros sugerimos que debemos ir más lejos, ampliar la frontera de la definición de lo que entendemos por ciencia, lo cual implica una crítica a buena parte de la historia de la ciencia del siglo XX, ya que se suele partir de una perspectiva inapropiada y muy restrictiva sobre lo que es ciencia

    Noninvasive spinal neuromodulation mitigates symptoms of idiopathic overactive bladder

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    Altres ajuts: Academy of Finland 129164Overactive bladder (OAB) affects 12 to 30% of the world's population. The accompanying urinary urgency, frequency and incontinence can have a profound effect on quality of life, leading to depression, social isolation, avoidance of sexual activity and loss of productivity. Conservative measures such as lifestyle modification and pelvic floor physical therapy are the first line of treatment for overactive bladder. Patients who fail these may go on to take medications, undergo neuromodulation or receive injection of botulinum toxin into the bladder wall. While effective, medications have side effects and suffer from poor adherence. Neuromodulation and botulinum toxin injection are also effective but are invasive and not acceptable to some patients. We have developed a novel transcutaneous spinal cord neuromodulator (SCONEâ„¢,) that delivers multifrequency electrical stimulation to the spinal cord without the need for insertion or implantation of stimulating electrodes. Previously, multifrequency transcutaneous stimulation has been demonstrated to penetrate to the spinal cord and lead to motor activation of detrusor and external urethral sphincter muscles. Here, we report on eight patients with idiopathic overactive bladder, who underwent 12 weeks of SCONEâ„¢ therapy. All patients reported statistically significant clinical improvement in multiple symptoms of overactive bladder, such as urinary urgency, frequency and urge incontinence. In addition, patients reported significant symptomatic improvements as captured by validated clinical surveys. SCONEâ„¢ therapy represents the first of its kind therapy to treat symptoms of urgency, frequency and urge urinary incontinence in patients with OAB. The study was listed on clinicaltrials.gov ()
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